“Joy Through Travel” – A heart-based travel agency which caters for travellers who have a passion to serve, connect and support environmental initiatives, their communities, and Earth families.

We offer a unique travel experience to those seeking to spiritually grow and expand their hearts by planting trees in Bolivia, teaching children to grow their own food in Africa or cleaning lakes and the ocean in India!  We appeal to the consciously awakened Souls, wishing to raise the vibrations of our beautiful and sacred planet – PACHAMAMA – and bring joy to themselves and million others!

About Us

Connect with Nature

Our Services

Travel to Serve

Travel to Heal

Amarpal (Ami) Sohi is the Founder of Joy Through Travel. She is deeply connected to the Earth and has a passion to help Pachamama, Mother Gaia, heal and thrive by leading individuals and groups on sacred journeys to raise the collective vibrations and frequencies.  Ami profoundly believes that the time has arrived for the Great Awakening, which means we as a collective are ready to create a new, abundant Earth where every sentient being can thrive and live joyfully in cooperation and harmony. 

In 2009 Ami had her first spiritual experiences; where she believes Angels were helping and guiding her in certain situations. For example, in the summer of 2009, Ami slipped into the swimming pool with her son (2 years old at the time) and was unable to find her balance with her son tightly clutched to her side!   Then out of the blue, a hand pulled her out! She looked at the stranger who had rescued her and thanked her wholeheartedly, but the woman just smiled and walked away! Then later that year, in November, Ami experienced what seemed like a miracle; she saw lights dancing around in the forest from the terrace of the flat where she stayed. She stepped outside onto the terrace and saw not one but three lights dancing around, playfully, in a cosmic dance. Not understanding what this phenomenon was all about at the time. However, years later, she realized that these lights were orbs or light Beings. 

Ami continued her life in the corporate world, working 9 to 5 as a Product Manager, not really understanding or knowing her greater life purpose. Deep in her Soul, she knew she was here for something more, something bigger … So, the search for her Soul Purpose began! It was in 2020 during the Covid-19 Pandemic that she, like so many others, started some serious Soul searching.  During the lockdowns, She looked within to make sense of all the chaos happening around us on a global scale.  20/20 was a year to develop a clear Vision. She participated in courses at the Sustainable Global Leadership Academy (SGLA) and took courses and coaching with Jocelyn Star Feather to gain clarity on her Soul Mission! And voilà! It became clear that she was not here to work for others, but to open her own business; a business aligned with who she is and her core values. Ami loves adventure and has a passion to serve humanity and our great spiritual Mother Gaia, thus, “Joy Through Travel” was born!

In 2023, Ami created Joy Through Travel – “Expand Your Heart Through Joyful Service” - and is very passionate about helping and serving people, communities and expanding knowledge of the sacred sites of Mother Earth to create more joy, peace and abundance for all sentient beings on our beautiful and inherently divine Home.  

Amarpal Sohi